Something in my gut is telling me this is another ridiculous project to fulfill the green new scam baloney.

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So the USDA is spending our tax dollars - not on useful farm stuff... but useless energy - and a whooping $1.4 billion on 400 MW of solar and 200 MW of battery... well that sure won't replace that 391 MW of reliable 24/7 coal..... and will only work for an hour or two after dark!!!

Weather dependent and weather vulnerable!!!

But let's just spend more money on a worthless endeavor, when it could have been used to help our struggling farmers. Let's instead give it to the "green" grift who are making out like bandits at our expense!!!

Good luck with your affordable electric bills - and not too many years before it is al replaced!

So this site is about 4,000 acres to accommodate all this solar and battery crap?

Time they understood what is going on in the rest of the world and this failed energy source!


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Exactly - Well Said!!!!!!!

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Thanks for the reporting, but this is just another in a very long list of government funded boondoggles abusing the American taxpayer's patience with its absurdly ignorant and arrogant federal crime syndicate.


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Agreed. I covered this in the daily show. It is a waste of taxpayer money. I've also bookmarked the article and podcast. They will not close the coal plant by 2027. With the demand doubling in the next 5 years, we will need all coal plants and lots of new natural gas plants. Wind and solar power can not keep up with demand. - The grid is in bad shape because of the intermittent wind and solar.

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What a waste of resources… it’s a shame the financial incentive is still there to shut down coal and replace with unbelievably expensive intermittent power. Thanks for reporting

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